Skip the Waiting Room is the best way to find walk in clinics in your area.
We have up to date schedules, contact information, and let you book appointments online.

Step One - Choose a Walk in Clinic

Step One

Choose a walk in clinic provider that offers online registration and book your appointment.

Step Two - Wait to be Contacted

Step Two

Skip the Waiting Room determines the appropriate time for you to leave and sends you a phone call or text message.

Step Three - Arrive at the Clinic and Relax!

Step Three

Arrive at the clinic, check-in and relax. Our goal is to have you in front of the doctor shortly after you arrive.

York Medical Clinics logo

York Medical Clinics

York Medical shall be the leading provider of health care services to the communities we serve. We are dedicated to the provision of optimal service and to the continued improvement of all of our staff, professionals, patients, clients and community. We will continue to do this by being stable, successful and growth oriented. To strive to provide optimal patient care through offering accessible, convenient, and comprehensive medical and preventive health care services, of the highest possible quality, within the limits of our resources.

York Medical Clinics East Gwillimbury

York Medical Clinics East Gwillimbury image

Upcoming Clinics

  • Today
  • Cancelled
  • Scheduled
  • Online Booking Enabled
  • Online Booking Active
Please call ahead to ensure clinic hours have not changed

York Medical Clinics Newmarket

York Medical Clinics Newmarket image

Upcoming Clinics

  • Today
  • Cancelled
  • Scheduled
  • Online Booking Enabled
  • Online Booking Active
Please call ahead to ensure clinic hours have not changed

York Medical Clinics Richmond

York Medical Clinics Richmond image

Upcoming Clinics

  • Today
  • Cancelled
  • Scheduled
  • Online Booking Enabled
  • Online Booking Active
Please call ahead to ensure clinic hours have not changed